Tuesday 9 September 2014


This just reminds me of how some people are terrible at kissing, some just don't know what to do with your lips, weather to chew it, lick it or swallow it...lol. what do you think about this?

Thursday 28 August 2014


Here's the scenario. On a hot tuesday afternoon,you're wearing a suit and you're stuck inside a hot crowded elevator. The air in the small space is barely breathable with the stenchy combination of mouth odors and damp undeodorised armpits.

Beads of sweat form on your forehead and slowly roll down your face.
At this point you're pissed .It seems this Popular Government building in Port Harcourt (names withheld) haven't serviced their elevators since the Country's Independence.The doors simply refuse to open.You and the other nine or ten occupants of this metallic box are trapped.
Now, just when you think things couldn't get any worse, somebody FARTS!

A silent fart.
And not just any silent fart,the HALL-OF-FAME- MOTHER of all silent farts.
The kind that demonically assaults nostrils and makes dizzy.

Guys, this was no joke.It was the dilemma I found my self in last week.And trust me it wasn't funny.
In a few seconds, the foulness of the fart mingled with the heat, and already
terrible mouth and armpit odors, to form a Vile stench that felt like the presence of an evil spirit.
All around me, people were murmuring and making uncomfortable sounds.We stared at each other suspiciously as if to discern the identity of the culprit.But it was pointless.Whom ever the "FARTER" was, he/she was in there with with us, disguised in the same look of disgust.

Wednesday 27 August 2014


Look! This is not a Linda Ikeji Blog wanna be o, for those of you ready to criticize. I started this blog in 2012 when i was bored to my ass and then i abandoned it after some time. So recently i stumbled upon the link in my old email and decided to give it a try again and see how it goes.

Expect to see anything from humor, art, love, nature, beauty, and if you also like weird stuffs like me, then this is a blog for you.

Hmmmm! Now to the gist of today do you know that while those of  us in these parts of the world are busy worrying about Ebola, some Caucasians in other parts are busy obsessed about trying to look like real life barbie dolls.

Take a look at some of their pictures. 

Monday 25 August 2014

MTV Video Music Awards Red Carpet Photos: Pictures Of Celebs At 2014 VMA


Some of the celebrities at the MTV VMAs looked really smashing while some looked really awful, here are pictures of some of my favorites. Continue to view pictures of them.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Ankara beauty

I love the way these Ankara accessories were assembled, very inspiring.

I am wondering what this represents

I think the model is hawt! who cares what it represents.

Amazing talent

Some people are just born talented, i came across this photo but i don't know who did the drawing. So just feed your eyes.